Core Concepts

Discover the foundations and powerful features of Yabasi Framework

Modern MVC Architecture
Dependency Injection
Service Providers

MVC Architecture

Utilizes the industry-standard Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern for modern web applications:


Represents your data structure and manages database interactions.


Handles presentation logic and renders the user interface.


Processes requests by mediating between Models and Views.

Dependency Injection

Powerful Dependency Injection Container automatically manages class dependencies, enables loosely coupled code, and enhances testability.

namespace App\Controllers;

class UserController
    public function __construct(
        private UserService $userService,
        private Logger $logger,
        private Cache $cache
    ) {
        // Dependencies are automatically injected

    public function index()
        $users = $this->userService->getAllUsers();
        $this->logger->info('Users listed');
        return $this->cache->remember('users', 3600, fn() => $users);

The container automatically resolves class dependencies and injects all required services.

Service Providers

Service providers are central components that manage your application's bootstrap process. They handle service registration, event listeners, and route configurations.

namespace App\Providers;

use Yabasi\ServiceProvider\ServiceProvider;

class UserServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function register(): void
        $this->app->singleton(UserRepository::class, function ($app) {
            return new UserRepository($app->get(Database::class));
        $this->app->bind(UserService::class, function ($app) {
            return new UserService(
    public function boot(): void

register() method registers service bindings to the container.

boot() method runs after all services have been registered.


Provides mechanism for filtering and processing HTTP requests. Perform various operations before requests reach your route or controller.


Enables database operations with intuitive syntax. Provides object-oriented approach instead of writing raw SQL queries.

Event System

Listen and react to events occurring within your application. Facilitates communication between modules.


Provides static interface to classes in the service container. Maintains clean syntax while preserving testability.

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