
Yabasi provides a powerful and flexible localization system for creating multilingual applications. The framework uses JSON-based language files and offers an intuitive API for managing translations.


First, set your application's default and fallback locales in your configuration file:

return [
    'app' => [
        'locale' => 'en',
        'fallback_locale' => 'en',

Language Files

Create JSON language files in the storage/lang directory. Each language should have its own file:

    "welcome": "Welcome to our application",
    "auth.failed": "These credentials do not match our records",
    "users.greeting": "Hello, :name!",
    "items.count": "You have :count items"

Basic Usage

You can use the translation helper function __() or the Translator class directly:

Example Usage
// Using helper function
echo __('welcome');

// Using with parameters
echo __('users.greeting', ['name' => 'John']);

// Using Translator class
$translator = $container->get(Translator::class);
echo $translator->get('welcome');

Using in Twig Templates

The translation function is also available in Twig templates:

<h1>{{ "{{ __('welcome') }}" }}</h1>

<p>{{ "{{ __('users.greeting', {'name': user.name}) }}" }}</p>

Switching Locales

You can change the application's locale at runtime:

$translator = $container->get(Translator::class);

// Switch to Spanish


Handle pluralization in your translations using the count parameter:

    "items.zero": "No items found",
    "items.one": "One item found",
    "items.many": ":count items found"

Best Practices

  • Use dot notation to organize translations hierarchically
  • Always provide a fallback locale for missing translations
  • Keep translation keys lowercase and use dots for namespacing
  • Use meaningful key names that describe the content
  • Group related translations together

Remember to create language files for all supported locales before deploying your application. Missing translations will fall back to the default locale.

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