Session Management

Yabasi framework provides a robust and flexible session management system. It allows you to easily handle user sessions, store and retrieve data, and implement security measures.


Session configuration is typically stored in the config/config.php file:

return [
    'session' => [
        'driver'    => 'file',
        'lifetime'  => 120,
        'path'      => '/tmp',
        'domain'    => null,
        'secure'    => false,
        'httponly'  => true,

Basic Usage

Here are some basic operations you can perform with the Yabasi session management system:

Starting a Session

use Yabasi\Session\SessionManager;

$sessionManager = new SessionManager($config, $securityHandler);

Setting and Getting Session Data

// Set a session value
$sessionManager->set('user_id', 123);

// Get a session value
$userId = $sessionManager->get('user_id');

Checking and Removing Session Data

if ($sessionManager->has('user_id')) {
    // The 'user_id' exists in the session

Advanced Features

Flash Messages

Flash messages are temporary session data, typically used for one-time notifications:

// Set a flash message
$sessionManager->flash('success', 'Operation completed successfully.');

// Retrieve a flash message
$flashMessage = $sessionManager->getFlash('success');

Session Security

Yabasi provides built-in security features for sessions:

use Yabasi\Session\SecurityHandler;

$securityHandler = new SecurityHandler();

Best Practices

  • Always start the session before using any session-related functions.
  • Use flash messages for temporary data that should only be available for the next request.
  • Implement proper session security measures to prevent attacks like session fixation.
  • Regularly regenerate session IDs to enhance security.
  • Clear sensitive session data when it's no longer needed.

Yabasi's session management system provides a secure and flexible way to handle user sessions in your application. By leveraging these features, you can create robust and secure web applications.

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